the Jacob Sheep ~
I think Jacobs are some of the
prettiest sheep around and was hooked on them
from the moment I was given my first ones for
Christmas in 1982.
There are two distinct types, and
the popularity of each seems to be confined to
different areas of the UK. For instance, the four
horned Jacobs are more common in the northern
and western parts and the two horned type is found
more in the central and southern areas. This results
in two horned animals being brought south for
better sale prices and four horned ones travelling
Some people keep mixed flocks but
many folks strongly prefer one type or the other….leading
to a gentle rivalry between flock owners! However,
both types inspire a great affection amongst their
keepers and give daily interest and pleasure.
This website is not
just a showcase for the Woolpit Jacob
flock, but also full of useful information
about the breed, from showing tips to
selecting a sheep and general advice on
animal husbandry.
Trish Baker |